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Prevention of Workplace Violence and Harassment - Quebec

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Employers in Canada must protect workers from the risk of violence & harassment in the workplace.  Most provinces have specific anti-violence legislation.  In other provinces, workers are protected from harm under a “general duty clause”.  Quebec’s Act Respecting Occupational Health & Safety states that employers have a general obligation to ensure the health, safety and physical well-being of workers.  The requirement to protect workers from workplace violence is implied.   Additionally, Quebec has specific legislation that protects workers who work alone in isolation.

Quebec was the first province in Canada to address psychological harassment.  The Act Respecting Labour Standards requires that employers provide a workplace free from psychological harassment, and this includes sexual harassment.  The Civil Code of Quebec (section 2087) and the Quebec Charter of Human Rights & Freedoms also protect workers.

Training raises awareness about violence and harassment in the workplace.  Workplace violence can be prevented or averted if employees are aware of the warning signs that may lead to violence.  By being educated about workplace policies and knowing what to do in event of violence or harassment, can help prevent harm to workers.  By knowing what behavior is acceptable and what is not, employees can do their part in preventing violence and harassment and help maintain a respectful workplace.

This course deals with general information such as the law, how to recognize warning signs, and respond to violence and harassment in the workplace.  In addition, employers must provide training that addresses the contents of their specific workplace violence and harassment policies & programs.

Prevention of Violence and Harassment in the Workplace may be taken in the comfort of your own home or on the workplace computer system. Depending on your pace, it takes approximately 45 min to complete. You may progress through the online course at your own pace and may stop & start at any time. You are required to achieve a grade of 75% or higher in order to pass, and are allowed 2 attempts at the test.  A certificate of completion (and/or wallet card) may be printed at successful completion of the Prevention of Violence and Harassment in the Workplace Test.

What you will learn in this Course

  • The law and why prevention of violence and harassment training is required
  • Definition of psychological harassment
  • Employer and worker responsibilities regarding workplace violence and harassment
  • Sources of workplace violence and how risk is identified
  • How to recognize warning signs of violence
  • Prevention measures to control identified risks
  • How to get help
  • Responding to violence and harassment in the workplace
  • Incident reporting and investigations
  • Dealing with incidents, complaints and threats of workplace violence and harassment

Purchase Pinnacle Training Units

This course requires 1.0 Training Units per Trainee.

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